
AMD Greenland GPU Rumored To Launch Next Year - Part of Radeon R400 "Arctic Islands" Family

AMD is rumored to launch their Greenland GPU next year as reported by Fudzilla, which is believed to replace the Radeon R300 series cards launching this year. AMD is however to launch their current R300 series lineup which is assumed to be known as the "Pirate Islands" family unit to supercede their current Radeon R200 GPU family that are codenamed "Volcanic Islands" only we now have a clue or an indication to what AMD volition call their next graphics component featured in the R400 series lineup.

AMD Greenland GPU Rumored To Ability AMD's Next Generation R400 Series Graphics Family unit

Beginning of all, there have been no official confirmation past AMD on their codenames on current and upcoming products. AMD doesn't go public with the codenames and naming schemes of their graphics products and family which results in confusion and the Volcanic Islands name was officially used by AMD in their slides only a few months ago. They hadn't been used past AMD prior to few months dorsum however the codename was get-go known several years agone. During the same time, nosotros came to know about the Pirate Islands family and some reports confirmed it recently that AMD might indeed exist branding their Radeon R400 series equally the Pirate Islands family of Radeon graphics cards.

A report has emerged past Fudzilla which claims that the Radeon R400 series "Arctic Islands" family is coming in 2022 and volition feature the Greenland GPU which will feature High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) support. It is not mentioned which specific graphics cards or branding will the Greenland GPU employ it is pointed that AMD will exist launching Fiji GPU in late June or Q2 2022 and the engineering piece of work is now focused on the next series that will arrive in 2022. Greenland GPU is interesting since it won't be fused on merely graphics cards merely the design and applied science will be transferred to side by side generation APUs too, featuring HBM designs, as rumored by the source.

The Greenland GPU might not even end up as a pure desktop carte du jour but a graphics compages that is designed specifically for accelerated processing units with HBM two (2.v D) retentiveness support. The GPU will be a shrunken node based upon the Republic of the fiji islands compages that we volition get to see on the upcoming Radeon R300 series lineup and will exist fused inside APU designs. Information technology should be noted here that this won't exist the first time AMD has used a GPU architecture carried from their discrete graphics offerings. AMD's Kaveri APUs were the starting time to make use of a proper discrete course GCN core architecture backed by the enhancements we saw in the Bonaire and Hawaii generation of chips featuring TrueAudio DSPs and carrying total back up for the Curtain API which were other wise non available on the Radeon Hard disk drive 7000 series lineup which were too based on the GCN cadre architecture simply an older "Southern Islands" revision.

It could exist possible that while the Greenland GPU holds no place in the desktop family, it volition still be denoted as a Radeon R400 series "Arctic Islands" fleck. The Greenland GPU tin can make its manner to several designs on the upcoming APUs based on the K12 ARM and x86 Zen core compages which are due in 2022. Zen will be the high-functioning replacement targeted towards servers and high-functioning enthusiasts platform so it will be unlikely to run into a iGPU variant on those processors until Zen cores are available later on APU market, afterward in its lifetime. As for K12 which makes use of ARM cores, its  highly possible for AMD to fuse the Greenland GPU there to enhance usability and compute performance of APUs utilizing HSA in the dense server, embedded and semi-custom markets. These GPUs and APUs are even so a yr away then nothing being reported has nevertheless been materialized and this information currently remains unverified until official discussion from AMD.


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